Glass Reflections
Cambridge 7th to 9th September

Presenting Author:
Efstratios Kamitsos

article posted 10 Mar 2015

Efstratios Kamitsos

Professor Efstratios I. Kamitsos is the Director of the Theoretical and Physical Chemistry Institute, part of the National Hellenic Research Foundation in Athens.

Second harmonic generation in oxide glasses by electro-thermal poling

Efstratios I Kamitsos, N.S. Tagiara, D. Palles, E.D. Simandiras Theoretical and Physical Chemistry Institute, National Hellenic Research Foundation,
48 Vassileos Constantinou Ave., 116 35 Athens, Greece

While ferroelectric crystalline materials are used widely in photonics, there is currently intensive research towards exploring new materials with sufficient and stable non-linear optical (NLO) properties. Homogeneous glasses do not exhibit even-order optical response like second harmonic generation (SHG) due to their centrosymmetric nature. However, post-synthesis treatments like electro-thermal poling may induce SHG in glasses. The effects of electro-thermal poling as well as the microscopic mechanisms associated with the poling process are not well understood at present, and this makes the full exploitation of glasses in photonics difficult. To progress in this direction, we investigate by electro-thermal poling different Na ion-containing oxide glasses to establish correlations between structure/chemistry and NLO response. Results obtained by micro-Raman and infrared spectroscopy on poled glasses will be presented and discussed.

Support of this work by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (Greece), through the POLYNANO?KRIPIS project, is gratefully acknowledged.