Glass Reflections
Cambridge 7th to 9th September

Presenting Author:
Alexis Clare

article posted 5 Mar 2015

Alexis Clare
Having obtained her PhD in Physics at Reading University, Professor Alexis G Clare moved to Alfred University in New York State, where she now heads a research group exploring the engineering of the composition of glass for specific applications. Among the group's current projects are:
... creating glasses with specific refractive index and dispersion for optical instruments,
... using novel optical techniques to measure the diffusion of gasses through glass melts, and
... looking at what happens when you pull a glass melts really hard and distort the structure.

The group has a project on making glass and glass ceramic phosphors for white light emitting LEDS and is looking at bulk metallic glasses. Also her group is interested in making new and unusual glasses for optical magnetic and even biological responses.

Unique Points of View Working Together

Alexis G. Clare, Angus Powers, Shanmugavelayut K. Sundaram,
Sarah Blood, Karen Donnellan
New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University

This Presentation will be about a new course (a cross disciplinary undergraduate Art/Engineering course given at The New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University) that we have been testing for about three semesters.

This is an interdisciplinary course between glass engineering students and glass art students, taught by various faculty across both areas combining both technologies and philosophies to foster collaborations yielding unknown results. (Studio elective for art students; Tech Elective for engineering students).

The Strategy is to combine the very different points of view of the two disciplines, to have them learn to communicate and hopefully get both sides to "think out of the box".

We will discuss how our strategies have evolved and the results so far.